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How to Improve Your Memory

One of the most important thing that we need to function well every day is our memory. If you are thinking about the ways of how to improve your memory, here are some tips.

1. You can have the acupuncture that has been used since the ancient period, which uses needles to be able to puncture the skin. This helps to alleviate any medical issues and of course, this helps to improve your memory. Acupuncturist tends to prick or puncture that areas in your head which helps in the stimulation of your brain.

2. You should try grabbing a stick of gum and start chewing it. When you chew a gum, your declarative memories that are used in studying are being activate, helping you to easily recall what you read or studied.

3. You need enough sleep so you should sleep early. One of the reasons why you have a memory lapse is that you lack sleep. You have to sleep for about 8 hours per night to get enough sleep.

4. You can try to move your eyes back and forth when you are recalling something. Moving your eyes helps to activate the two brain hemispheres which help to improve the memory. For you to be able to improve memory, you should try moving your eyes when you wake up in the morning.

5. You should try eating more fish which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient helps to prevent memory loss in the future like dementia.

6. You can do doodling because it helps in the learning process. Doodling helps you to focus and retain what you have learned during the day. Doodling helps to enhance your creative ideas, thoughts and skills.

7. You should do body exercises as it helps to increase the blood flow in your body including your brain. This helps to enhance your memory. You can do activities like biking, jogging, hiking to be able to maintain a physically fit body.

8. You can also try brain exercises. You can do brain exercises by learning musical instrument or solving puzzles and brainy quizzes.

9. You also need time for your brain to rest. Your brain also needs to rest and cool down. You might be frequently forgetting something if you use your brain without taking a rest. You should spare time to relax and unwind so that you can relieve all the stress that you are experiencing, and helps you have a better memory. View here for more information about this.

These are the tips on how you can improve your memory. View here for more information about this.
