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Tips on Replacing Stolen License Plate

if you are a car owner it is necessary that you report about stolen and damaged license plates. Ensure that you get another license plate once you learn that the previous one is damaged or stolen. This article looks at other things you should do in addition to reporting to the DMV.

Make sure that you carry out some light research about the provisions of your state for you to know the right procedures to follow after your license plate has been stolen. Many states allow drivers to get another license plate by email. The case is not the same in some states that require you to contact DMV for another license plate. Identify if you must be present at the DMV office or you can just send them an email when applying for a new license plate. It is wise to visit the local DMV plans to acquire more information about the procedures involved when applying and receiving a new license plate.

Go ahead and report to the police department about the stolen or damaged plate. Actually it is a necessity for you to have a police report when going to the DMV unit. It is a requirement that you report any case of car vandalism including tampering with the plates immediately it takes place for the police to take the necessary actions. Consult the state departments to find out if report from the law and forces is a requirement since in some regions it is not a must especially if only one plate is involved.

It is necessary that you complete a form that acts as an application for a new license plate. In case, you are filing for a police report, ensure that you submit a copy of it to the DMV. Do not forget to surrender any details that will help with police investigation on the matter. Bring a proof of residence in case you have moved after registering the plates. Make arrangement of raising the required fees to obtain the new number plates. It is important that you notice the steps followed in acquiring a new plate might be different from one region to another because the constitution is different.

You must ensure that you order the right additional pieces that are the license plate adornments and casings. Read more here to learn how to get your sizing. The car owner is liable to getting charges and ticket for driving without a car plate. Make arrangements of repairing your car in case it got damaged during the vandalism process as you continue to wait for the plates. Contact your insurance provider and find out whether they can help you with the costs incurred during the replacement process.