How the Sandwich Came to Be.
There was a time when people were all about a sandwich made of watercress, pimentos and peanut butter. Throughout history, people have been eating sandwiches and it can only be said that the ingredients vary. An Earl started all this sandwich crazy. He was the 4th Earl of Sandwich. This is not to say that the act of having meat between bread slices was uncommon. People who were living in the 1st century celebrated Passover by eating unleavened bread and lamb and the meat would be put between the bread by some. In the Middle Age, open style sandwiches were introduced. Instead of throwing away the stale bread, meat and vegetables would be piled on it. The Dutch popularly served their bread piled with butter, fish, and meat. The town of Sandwich is in the southern coast of the UK. The name means a town located on sandy soil. “Wich” means a vicinity, a place or dwelling. The 1st Earl of Sandwich was supposed to be the Earl of Portsmouth. The title change was supposed to be in a honor of the Earl by the town. At the time of this Earldom, he was the commander of a naval fleet off the coast of Sandwich. There is no other connection between this town the family the Earl came from.
Sandwiches were not popular until they were brought to the limelight by the 4th Earl of Sandwich. He was well known for his willingness to take bribes and his lack of morals. When he was the First Lord of Admiralty his reputation for corruption and incompetence were well known. The Americal Revolution was all his doing. His fear of a French invasion is what caused his refusal to release the British Navy from Europe. Many people criticized this action and it clearly showed he was an incompetent commander. He was a known member of the Hell Fire Club. The club was made up of the elite people in British society and it was nothing more than people drinking, whoring and gambling. The members also embraced Satanic worship. This Earl welcomes the anti-religious rituals and even the black masses. He was guaranteed protection because of his close relationship with the King and also the Navy control. John Wilkes was a club member who was not too happy with the satanic ceremonies held. His displeasure saw him dress one baboon in a devil suit and bring it to the event. This site will offer more info. about the sandwich history.