Most Prominent Sexual Harassment Cases in the US
In 2017, it was the year that there was the experience of the Weinstein effects, this is the time that men and women spoke about the sexual harassment that they had faced in the past years. The victims pointed fingers towards the powerful people on the top government on their fallout this lead to a movement . It is important to have a check some sexual harassment cases in the US, there are famous cases on sexual harassment in the US history this include.
One of the famous cases is the Ani Chopourian. In the year 2012, the Ani Chopourian has an allegation of sexual harassment she sued the Catholic healthcare west and there was no response on her reports.
There is the prominent case of Ashley Alford. Ashley Alford sued the former manager with the allegation of sexual harassment in 2011, there was the awarding of $95M that reduced to $6M by the end of the case.
Anucha Browne Sanders is another prominent case. There complaint lost her job, there was the allegation of soliciting sex and been called bad names, the award was later reduced to $11.5M for the exchange of defense.
There is another famous case of Paula Puopolo. In 1991, there was the sexual harassment case of Paula suing the US Navy, she victim suffered in the hand of 200 aviators during the ritual of Gauntlet.
There is the famous case of Lois Jenson. The women in the company filed a lawsuit against the men who were sexually harassing and humiliating them, it took many years for a lawyer to handle the case, there was awarding of $3.5 million for the settlement.
Charlie Rose is also a prominent case. Rose was fired when the allegation of sexual harassment case was public; there was the suspension of his show.
There is the famous case of Anita Hill. In 1991, there was the case of Anita suing Clarence Thomas for sexual harassment, this was happening in the workplace.
There is the famous case of six years old and the Brockton. In this case, the principal placed a sexual harassment of 6-year boy who touched the skin of a girl by placing 2 fingers inside the clothing.
There is the prominent case of David Letterman. In this case, there was an allegation that David had affairs with former employers, this lead to him making money on-screen performance while the Halderman was convicted with extortion.
There is the well-known case of Bill O’Reilly. There was renew of the contract due to the case that leads this case to be personal that lead to dropping of the talent agency as this website shows.